MetaNetX index/query scripts
- index MetaNetX compounds, compartments, and reactions data including the xref data, tested with MetaNetX Aug 2019 release, version 3.2
- query MetaNetX compounds, compartments, and reactions
MetaNetX downloads
# Download MetaNetX csv files
mkdir -p data/metanetx
wget -nc -P data/metanetx -r\
Example command lines
Index with Elasticsearch or MongoDB:
# Index with Elasticsearch, requires about 10-15m
./nosqlbiosets/metanetx/ --metanetxdatafolder ./data/metanetx\
--db Elasticsearch;
# Index with MongoDB, requires ~10m
./nosqlbiosets/metanetx/ --metanetxdatafolder ./data/metanetx\
--index biosets --db MongoDB;
Elasticsearch query to get distribution of reactions among source/reference libraries:
curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/metanetx_reaction/_search?pretty=true"\
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"libs": {
"terms": {
"field": "xrefs.lib.keyword",
"size": 10
MetaNetX scripts here use the words ‘metabolite’ and ‘compound’ with the same meaning:
A compound in chemistry is a combination of atoms from at least two different elements. Compounds do not contain mixtures of elements. They form through a chemical binding process and are in stable ratios.
Metabolites are the intermediates and products of metabolism.
The term metabolite is usually restricted to small molecules. A small molecule is a low molecular weight (< 900 daltons) organic compound.