PubChem consists of three inter-linked databases, Substance, Compound and BioAssay. The Substance database contains chemical information deposited by individual data contributors to PubChem, and the Compound database stores unique chemical structures extracted from the Substance database. Biological activity data of chemical substances tested in assay experiments are contained in the BioAssay database. []
Index script for PubChem BioAssays json files
reads and indexes compressed and archived PubChem BioAssay json files, without extracting them to temporary files./nosqlbiosets/pubchem/ --help usage: [-h] [--infile INFILE] [--index INDEX] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [-db DB] Index PubChem Bioassays json files with Elasticsearch or MongoDB optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --infile INFILE, --infolder INFILE Input file to index, or input folder with zipped bioassay json files --index INDEX Name of Elasticsearch index or MongoDB database --host HOST Elasticsearch/MongoDB server hostname --port PORT Elasticsearch/MongoDB server port -db DB, --db DB Database: 'Elasticsearch' or 'MongoDB'
# Index with MongoDB # Zip file of json files ./nosqlbiosets/pubchem/ --db MongoDB\ --infile ./data/pubchem/bioassays/ # Folder of zip files of json files ./nosqlbiosets/pubchem/ --db MongoDB\ --infolder ./data/pubchem/bioassays # Index with Elasticsearch # Zip file of json files ./nosqlbiosets/pubchem/ --db Elasticsearch\ --infile ./data/pubchem/bioassays/
Elasticsearch server settings
Since some of the PubChem BioAssay json files are large they require to change few Elasticsearch default settings to higher values:
- Heap memory
- Elasticsearch-5: Set
JVM settings to at least 14 GB, in configuration fileconfig/jvm.options
- Elasticsearch-2: Set
environment variables to at least 1 and 14 GBs, (defaults are 256mb and 1GB), before calling your Elasticsearch server start scriptbin/elasticsearch
- Elasticsearch-5: Set
- Set
http.max_content_length: 800mb
, default 100mb, in your Elasticsearch configuration fileconfig/elasticsearch.yml
- Large entries mean more garbage collection; make sure garbage collection is fast by preventing any Elasticsearch memory from being swapped out
- Support for large bioassay json files,